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haii i'm meez :3

I'm 20 and an infj and love being alone (but I like my friends a lot too hihi).
I stay at home most of the time and I like my pc a lot. With this website I finally started to learn "coding" a little (ik html isn't really coding, but the closest I've gotten to it haha).
I enjoy designing and creating things :) I do that irl too!! Meaning I love designing and sewing clothes (I might add a gallery for them) and all kinds of other stuff.
I also just got a pen tablet which I practice and hopefully can present some results of soon hehe.
As you may be able to tell, I like lots of creative activities c:
Other than that I'm a big nature enjoyer (plants, animals, JUST EVERYTHING) and want to live in a cottage near the woods at some point in my life.
Also, I like anime a lot.


I love making new friends and meeting like minded people btw, so please sign my guestbook and maybe we'll get along well :))